Roll Back Signs of Aging Using A Jade Roller

Have you been “rolling along” with the latest skin care trends? The Jade Roller has the skincare industry buzzing, and I know you’ll want to add this little green tool to your facial routine. Thanks to the demand for a more holistic approach to skincare treatments, this non-invasive handheld device has become a “must have” for beauty gurus everywhere.

When jade was discovered in the 17th Century, it was known as the “beauty stone” and only the elite and high society of Asia could afford it. Jade has long been recognized as a symbol of eternal youth due to its natural healing properties and soothing energy. Now this semi-precious gem is available for your beauty needs.

There are so many benefits to using a Jade Roller, the list is endless! Do you have days you feel you “look tired”? This might be a sign your skin needs stimulation. Using your Jade Roller increases energy to the skin by improving circulation, renews elasticity by increasing collagen production and relieves congestion on and under the skin.

Have you ever used a foam roller for your body? It’s a great way to reduce tension in the body after a workout or a stressful day. You may find yourself working out a tension “knot”. The soft tissue is released and circulation begins to flow! Suddenly you feel better and more invigorated. The Jade Roller has the same payoff!

To use, simply hold the Jade Roller in your hand and gently move it in an upward motion around the contours of the face while applying light Begin at your décolleté and move up your neck and around your jawline. Roll up your cheeks and forehead. Use the small roller around the eyes, beginning inside and under the eye and sliding the roller up and to the outer corner.  This gentle rhythmic movement works facial muscles, reduces tension and gives a light lymphatic drainage or detoxification. Repeat these movements to complete your mini facial treatment.

The jade stone can be applied to the skin at room temperature or chilled. The coolness of the stone against the skin is both stimulating and refreshing, helps calm inflammation, diminishes redness and reduces puffiness or swelling. You can also use your Jade Roller to aid in penetration of your favorite serum or facial crème deep into the dermal layer.

Now that you know the many ways and reasons for using your Jade Roller, get rolling by adding to your day or night routine!  Bring the spa facial home.  This little wonder tool has so many benefits, you’ll wonder how you managed your daily skincare routine without it! How do you use your Jade Roller? Let us know in the comments!

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